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Bloody Thumbs Up
late, as I really didn't plan on creating a Flash-animated
cartoon, therefore I don't have time to write anything
expansive so I'm going to leave you with this...
If you're a fan of actor Viggo
Mortensen and you'd like to
see him buck nekkid in an extended knife fight with a couple
of hit men from the Russian mafia then go rent Eastern
Promises. You get all that, and much more.
The movie is rated R and for good reason as it's loaded with enthusiastically-rendered
scenes of the old ultra-violence. Unlike that pussy, bloodless Dark
Knight crappola.
 Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
The Netherleands
you are, thanks for
reading my celebratory
little 'toon.

A blast from the reeking past. The RP
from 3-17-08.

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We see a kid playing with jack-in-the-box. As the "pop
goes the weasel" tune runs its course an alien chest-burster
erupts from his chest, for no appraent reason at all
except I thought it'd be funny. After the kid keels
over the jack-in-the-box pops open, revealing the
message "Happy Martin Luther King Day!".