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The progressive editorial cartoon about misleading conservative polls.

end rant

Faux News Is Bad News

It's Labor Day and I've labored about enough so it's time for a picnic by the lake, a vegetarian hot dog, and a smooch or two
from a hot mama under the luminescent remains of the Supermoon.

Hope you all had a great weekend. See you Wednesday!

Oh, one more thing....


end rant

Lefty News for September 4th, 2023

Republican Nazi stooges protest outside of Disney World, presumably while waiting for their mothers to pick them up.

Wisconsin GOP says "Screw Democracy" presumably due to being weaned too early.

Rudy Giuliani keeps telling his judge that he's broke, presumably because he's drunk and thinks everyone else is an idiot.

There's a strong push to strip Fox's broadcast license, presumably because they haven't broadcast actual news since 1992.

New Texas laws forces drunk drivers who kill parents to pay for child support presumably.... no, this one I like. Even a blind pig can find an acorn occasionally.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
jesustrump poll
Another Trump poll.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Fox News: In a recent poll 78 percent of Republican primary voters still support Trump's attempt to retain the presidency on January 6th.
Real News: In a poll of septuagenarian Republican primary voters who still answer landline phones the former president is preferred by 78 per cent over a bunch of people they never heard of.

The progressive editorial cartoon about misleading right-wing polls.

relgious beliefs  comic gop propaganda  comic