Know Much
"History is an account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which
are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves, and soldiers, mostly fools." - Ambrose
Story Short: Screw the Comstock lode.
I learned in school that it's possible to
herd elephants through the Alps. I also learned
that the black plague killed approximately
75 million people. I even learned that Chester
A. Arthur is known
the "Father
of the
Service". Then there's the cotton gin,
the Whiskey Rebellion, and 1492.
These bits of data were drilled into my noggin a long time
ago but what I've since learned is that I could have gone
ignorant of such facts and my life wouldn't
have been altered one tiny whit.
This may make me seem like more of a misantropic
lout than I already am but I've lately begun
the entire field
history as
a learning tool as most of
what we're taught is (A) subjective and (B) of
no practical use.
Seriously, what do you know about World War
II, or any war for that matter, that would
result in the avoidance of future conflicts? How
does one's encyclopedic knowledge of past
presidents prepare a person for modern politics? If
Texas had not joined the union in 1845 would
it have vanished in a puff of smoke? (Mesquite
wood, of course.)
What if, on the other hand, our schools neatly
skipped any mention of something like, oh,
slavery in America? Yes, it was a crime against
yet lingers on in this big old world, even
in America, though on a much smaller scale
than the pre-Cilvil War era.
It seems to me that the only thing drilling
generation after generation
of children,
specifically white children, on the details
of the subject is that it provides them the
odious knowledge that their darker-colored
comrades once had
as ancestors. It's one thing to understand
that slavery has no place among civilized
men, it's another to have it handy as a stigmatizing,
sociopolitical weapon.
The other problem with history as a scholarly
subject is that there's a massive bombardment
historical events inundating us every day,
amplified by the problem of who decides what
be taught as canon? Will
Darfur matter in 20 years when no one cares
now? Why is Hamas so vilified? Why do this
nation's newspapers focus on the drums of
war rather than the hundreds of thousands
marching against it?
Without doubt people should pay more attention
to the daily news as fluctuations in
the course of modern events shape their lives
far more than anything on the historical
battlefields. That's also why it's important
that laws
be enacted to hold newspapers legally
accountable for any political distortion
they may impart. Because when the story becomes
opinion then it's not "news" any more, and
be damned hard to sell a paper if you're
forced to call it "The Daily Opinion".
It seems to me we'd better off spending more
time teaching our children how to reason
with mutually accepted fact. Perhaps if we
habitually tried to understand how everything
works and, therefore, approach it rationally
we'd be less inclined to start wars out of
And fewer wars