Defective Rejection
I was terribly disappointed that one or more fearless Democrats didn't stop the certification of Trump as president at the Capitol today by invoking the 14th Amendment, one which denies insurrectionists federal office. They could have kicked Trump out of the Rotunda on his fat insurrectionist rear. They had every legal right to do this because the Supreme Court last summer told the state of Colorado that, while they couldn't keep Trump off the election ballot, the Congress could settle his traitorous hash when the time came.
All I know is the time came, and they didn't. Crud!
The very least they could have done was paraded the House podium around the floor, trashed Nancy Pelosi's office a little, and offered a variety of commemorative "I'd Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat"t-shirts to all of the "tourists" that normally arrive for such occasions.
Me? I would have shat on the walls. It's what Republicans expect tourists to do when visiting the Capitol.
Anne Telnaes has two, count 'em, TWO Pulitzer Prizes. That's two more that Jeff Bezos will ever earn, though he will probably buy a few eventually.
Bezos decided that one of Ms. Telnaes recent editorial comics, for which she is contracted by his Washington Post to create, was just too mean and icky and rude to billionaires and multi-billion-dollar corporations, so he axed it.
Usually Ms. Telnaes is only concerned with images on paper but this time she saw the fascist handwriting on the wall and so she grabbed her Pulitzers, told Bezos to eat it, and walked.
When people give up money for principle, REAL principle, it has to be noted and applauded.
Good going, Anne, and good luck out there.
I have an idea on how you can save a ton of money on your 2025 food bill...
Go buy a year's worth of food today. (Do the math in your head if food prices creep up an absurdly low ten percent in the next 359 days.)
And do it soon because Trump's ham-handed, scatter-shot approach to economic policies, employing the smooth-brained notion of tariffs, will no doubt cause a resurgence in inflation and its associated effect on food prices of all types.
Corporate greed will rear it's ugly head, too, and any mention of windfall profits legislation will be strangled in its crib. And you can almost bet good American money that consumer protection agencies will see a sharp decline in funding, or they'll simply be eventually rolled over into Trump's new Department of Who Give's A Rat's Ass along with education, the interior, and food safety.
Might I recommend lots of rice, beans, flour, sugar and a shitload of toilet paper.