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The progressive comic about Tik Tok

end rant


Down deep in my political bones I feel that this Tik Tok bill may be the one that dooms this republic as there are too many young people, and older ones, in this country who prefer mindless entertainment over real-world solutions, and they just might vote for Trump as he's now a promoter of the app (After meeting with its money-men, of course.)



Let's see...
A bloodbath at the RNC, which is now Trump's private piggy-bank.

Republican Congressman Ken Buck says "That's it! I'm outta here!"

Another Trump hack lying in front of Congress.

The Democrats have to force a discharge petition on foreign aide to Ukraine in the House today because Speaker Mike Johnson has Putin's hand up his tuchus.

And a new poll shows Trump's "popularity" at 25%.

So much winning for a measly 24 hours.


For the record....

DOJ-ex Robert Hur testified before Congress yesterday. His now-infamous report on President Joe Biden, in which he was described as "an elderly man with a poor memory", was rather different from the actual transcript of the meeting with Mr. Biden, in which Hur described the President as having "photographic understanding and recall".

Yes, Hur's report was a political hit-job.

Hur was a Trump appointee in 2018. He resigned from the DOJ on Monday so he wouldn't have to suffer the Department's ethical guidelines for being a lying little shit-weasel.

Just thought you ought to know.

- Lefty

end rant

Lefty News for March 13, 2024

The DOJ's Robert Hur turned to be (Well whaddaya know) a lying sack of Trump.

The Trumpian bloodbath at the RNC has begun.

Republican Voters Against Trump launches $50 million dollar campaign.

The RNC ends the facade that it cares anything about minorities.

Colorado Congressman Ken Buck says he's had enough of MAGA and abruptly resigns.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

(Comments are moderated for misinformation, not content.)
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Classic Raging Crappola
fox news comic
Fox News <> Real News.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Blue News, Chris Hayes: Tik Tok spreads lies for the benefit of the Chinese Government. Accordingly, the House voted 352-65 today to effectively ban it.
Red News, Hannity: Hi, fellow kids. Joe Biden, who is like a million years old, is going to take away your Tik Tok because it's too cool for him. Remember that in November.
Joe Biden, is going to take away your Tik Tok because he's, like, a million years old. Remember that in November.

The progressive comic about Tik Tok.

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