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The progressive editorial cartoon about Democrat's voting for abortion rights.

Grand Delusion

Trump trying to use the First Amendment to save his festered carcass from the bonds of federal incarceration confuses me. After all, he should be using the Second Amendment as a defense.

Hear me out.

Okay, see, Trump should be telling the judge that if all of his super-ultra-patriotic acolytes had been allowed to bring their assault rifles and bazookas and shoulder-fired anti-tank missiles to the Capitol on January 6th he'd still be President and he wouldn't have to be wasting his precious time on some stupid old tiresome, expensive, keeping-him-from-his-golf-time fraud trial.

Trump would go on to sweetly smile and tell her that NATO would have been kaput and Hillary Clinton would have been staked to an ant hill on the border, forced to watch Trump's magnificent new nineteen story walls being erected using the remains of all those solar panel and wind turbines that were making the planet hotter, just like he promised in 2016.

At which point Judge Chutkan would bound and gag him and toss him in the trunk of an '87 Malibu and have it driven into the ocean near an active volcano. And then everyone else in this country, who understands what Trump was saying, would immediately stump for serious gun control, possibly even rewrite the Second Amendment so that it is clear that it is talking about the modern version of the National Guard.

So, yeah, Trump. Second Amendment. Try it, we'll like it.


A reminder here that on J6 Trump publicly asked for the magnetometers near the Capitol be turned off so that they couldn't detect weapons. And across the river from Washington Trump's henchmen were awaiting the call to grab their stash of arms and make a beeline to the Capitol should the Insurrection Act be enacted.

Prison's too good for that waste of skunk squeezin's.


Speaking of guns, the Supreme Court just decided that ghost guns are illegal because they don't have serial numbers. Doesn't that mean all guns should be registered? Otherwise, what good is a serial number?


Finally, Trump is not the worst President ever because he was never a president. It's like calling a turd that fell onto the cheese plate "camembert."


end rant

Lefty News for August 9th, 2023

Biden White House increases wages for union workers.

Jack Smith's special counsel obtains search warrant for Trump's Twitter account.

Twitter fined $350,000 for failing to produce Trump info.

Ohio voters reject Republican attempt to destroy Democracy.

Hawaii is on fire. We are so fucked.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
abortion comic
Preemptive castration.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Lefty: Have you noticed that every time the people get the chance they vote to keep abortion free and legal.
GOP: Yeah, which means there's only one thing to do.
Let me guess… stop people from voting?
Exactly! Who do those fools think they are?

The progressive editorial cartoon about Democrat's voting for abortion rights.

election 2024 comic hunter biden comic