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The progressive editorial cartoon about the important events of July 2023.

end rant

July Forth

Regarding Colorado's decision to block Trump from their state's ballot come Election Day, is there almost ANYTHING that bloated orange ball of hate and ignorance did on January 6th that couldn't be interpreted as serving an insurrection?

Never forget Trump KNEW the crowd he exhorted to storm the Capitol was armed and wanted the magnetometers turned off so (even) more weapons could be employed against a sitting Congress.

The Supreme Court's decision in this matter will decide whether Democracy or dark money will prevail in this country.

PS, good job, Colorado.


As I sit here drawing cartoons referencing news events from last July I'm listening to Xmas music. I'm as atheistic as they come but I'm a sucker for the old December classics, especially when they're performed in a wholly different style and genre from the original recordings. Blues, cha-chas, jazz, barbershop quartets, they're all good.

I got the bug for this kind of alternate Xmas music way back in the early 80s when a local Dallas public radio personality, Glenn Mitchell, would host the Christmas Blockbuster on radio station KERA, 90.1. This was 12-to-24 straight hours of music, comedy, drama, history--- anything that had to do with Xmas, with the slight exception of the goddamned Little Drummer Boy or the fucking Chipmunks, which were forever banned.

I learned a lot from Mr. Mitchell during these programs. He approached the holiday nondenominationally and would spend stray moments delving into the myths and legends of the season. I learned from Glenn that there was no precise number of Wise Men, that our vision of Santa is thanks to Coca Cola, that the Church moved the date of the birth of Christ to late December to get in on all that pagan frivolity. Remember, this was LONG before the internet began sharing such info.

Glenn hosted these shows for over thirty years and I'm fortunate enough to have complete recordings of the last three Blockbusters because Glenn succumbed, suddenly, to heart disease at the age of 55 in 2005. I've often considered posting sections of the program on Youtube but, lucky you, someone has posted an hour of the show to Mixcloud. I hope you'll check it out but please don't call in and try and win the Xmas Quiz.


As usual, there were more important events that I could sanely fit in:

SC rules web designers can refuse to build gay websites.
Trump pushed Arizona governor to overturn the election result.
Arizona governor makes birth control available without prescription.
Michigan GOP lawmakers engage in a ball-kicking spree.
Kansas judge stops transgender people from changing sex on driver's license.
My Pillow guy, mike lindell, auctions off business assets.
Inflation falls for 12th consecutive week.
Oregon's tough gun control law upheld by judge.
Trump's hell-hole (figure it out) calls U.S. a third world hellhole. (takes one to know one)
Michigan charges 16 people in fake elector scheme.
Monmouth poll shows trump seen as unfavorable by 63% of U.s. adults.
Israelis protest right-wing takeover of its Supreme Court.
Judge dismisses Trump's "Big Lie" lawsuit against CNN.

end rant

Lefty News for December 20th, 2023

Colorado Supreme court removes Trump form its state election ballot in 2024.

Biden: "No question" Trump backed insurrection.

Registered voters under 30 prefer Biden to Trump 53-24 percent.

U.S. consumer confidence reaches five-month high.

Trump afraid the Supreme Court won't grant him immunity.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
new years 2023 comic
And so it begins.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trial for Trump classified documents case set for May 2024
Earth suffers hottest single day ever recorded
Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from House Freedom Caucus
Over the counter birth control approved by FDA
RIP Sinead O'Connor
Ron Desanttis suggests slaves benefitted from slavery.
U.s. suffers record six month number of mass gun deaths.
Department of Justice says Trump cannot claim immunity.
$39 billion in student loan debt canceled by president Biden.

The progressive comic about the important news of July 2023.

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