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The progressive editorial cartoon about the price of gas.

end rant

Hide and Sneak

I heard someone refer to the Republican Party as "Hiding behind the Bible". My left hand took it from  there.


I had a brief conversation last night with a well-adorned upper-middle-class lady about Xmas shopping. She said her family (I'm assuming she's referring to the adults) stopped sharing Xmas gifts "Years ago. Best decision we ever made."

I agreed that she had a point. "Xmas is horrible for the environment." She said, yes, and buying gifts "goes against the spirit of the season".

The spirit of the season..... (face-palm)

I knew instantly what she was referring to, seeming to have conveniently forgotten the origin of Xmas gift-giving, that whole "Three Wise Men" thing.

At which point I started backing away... slowly.

Like I said, brief conversation. Still, I've felt for years that our garbage dumps and recycling centers would be a whole lot less "fulfilled" if we didn't rush out en masse each Autumn and buy every shiny gew-gaw we could get our hands on and package them in boxes and wrapping paper destined for the nearest garbage can. At best.

So if the lady wants to spend less for Jesus, good on her, but I prefer to spend less for Spider-Man.

Happy Saturnalia, everyone!


end rant

Lefty News for November 27th, 2023

President Joe Biden wants to use Cold War laws in order to control corporate greed.

Trump is attempting to appear moderate on abortion issues. Good luck with that, asshole!

A look at how Fox News invents the news.

We don't need George Santos to tell us that (some) Congressmen are in bed with other whores.

Mitt Romney says he prefers Democrats to Trump.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
religion comic
Get happy.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Republican elephants hiding behind bible.
Yes, shields are holdings but they're on to us. We can't hide here much longer.
Racist. Greedy. Misogynist. Arrogant. Fascist. Evil. Hypocritical. Cruel. Vindictive. Unamerican. Traitors. Apparatchiks.

The progressive editorial cartoon about conservatives hiding behind the Bible.

space comic price of gas comic