Color of Money
know why the elephant in today's cartoon is orange,
right? (Hint: it has nothing to do with John Beohner
being a pompous ass. Oh, wait... it DOES!)
In the run-up to the 2010 mid-terms
the Republican Party loudly hailed their "Pledge to America",
a re-run of
the same pledge the GOP offered in 1994. That particular
version of the pledge resulted in a Republican House
majority that led the league in corruption.
Think Jack Abramoff and Tom Delay, just for starters.
In the latest version of the Pledge the big ticket item
was a promise to cut the budget deficit by a whopping
$100 billion dollars
and I quote, "within the first year". Every
economist who heard this claim rubbed their eyes in absolute
as such an exercise was blatantly absurd without raising
taxes, and guess who isn't raising taxes for the next
two years?
But now the GOP says that the promise was just "hypothetical",
that to think otherwise is just "parsing words".
You've been had, Tea Party freaks. Thanks for being
such gullible assholes.
(I have to say that this "hypothetical" tactic has promise.
In 2012 the Democrats can promise jet-packs and flying
votes knowing
full well that, whoops, who knew they only meant hypothetical?
For this very reason the public should never stop slapping
John Boehner.)
But don't think the
GOP is going to stop there. No, sir! They're already
backing off of their "transparency in government" promise.
is a great thing unless you're allowing Goldman Sachs
to write all your laws for you, then things get kind
of sticky.
Better just keep the people deaf, dumb and blind about
what's going on in Washington, just to be safe.
In summation, just as we add "in bed" to the
end of every fortune cookie message we should add "Suckers!" to
the end of every Republican campaign promise.
If you're interested, offers more details
on recent Republican