of you are probably scratching your heads wondering
why I'd paint such an unflattering picture
of the Democratic Party, President Obama in
particular. After all, I commonly raise to
deific heights any politician with a "D" after
their name, right?
In this case the reason is deep, dark, pungent despair as recent polls indicate
a plague of imbecility is sweeping the country.
The Greedy Bastards Party carefully cultivated this epidemic by spending eight
years, from 2000-2008, raping and pillaging the U.S. Treasury, then giving the
economy a good trashing on the way out the door, presumably their way of saying
thanks. Now just two years after the last fair election in twelve years about
51% of the electorate seems to be leaning towards reinstating the Greedy Bastards
If you happen to be one of these cretins and you don't know what the Stockholm
Syndrome or the Battered Housewife Syndrome is, please consult Wikipedia now.
What's that? You say you're voting Republican because the unemployment rate is
so high? Okay, (sound of knuckles cracking) here we go!
Do you know how you create jobs? You invest in small business. Bill Clinton understood
this and made sure there was plenty of money for small businesses to go around.
The result was record job growth.
Record. Job. Growth.
President James Carter supported small business similarly and created more jobs
in his four years than the two Bushes combined over their twelve years.
So what is the Greedy Bastards Party official stand on small business?
Fuck 'em. You see, only giant multi-national corporations are worth dealing
as you get the bigger kickbacks that way.
President Obama has tried to push for more small business loans from Day
One but each time the Greedy Bastards have blocked the vote. This is not unusual
as the Bastards have been filibustering at a record pace the past two years. "All
in the name of fiscal responsibility" they say. This after George Bush almost
doubled the national debt in eight years without a single peep from the R's.
Ponder for a moment, if you will, how much interest has to be paid on
a ten trillion dollar debt and just who earns that interest. Clinton
and Gore had the country on track to eliminate the debt by 2010 but
George managed to find a way to double the number
of fiduciary glory
holes that you and I and your grand-kids are left to service.
Funny how that worked
Even worse, major banks are currently sitting on huge piles of money, almost
a trillion of which was loaned to them by George Bush on his way out the door.
Too risky to invest in some new crackpot idea, they say. Who cares if there's
another Google or Starbucks waiting to flourish, it's the principle of the thing.
Incidental note: So much money is, in fact, tied-up in no-yield government notes
that the gummint is thinking of charging the banks a fee for taking up valuable
Treasury space. Good idea.
Now back to the rant, which is already in progress.
So the Greedy Bastards and the banks are working hand-in-hand to drive this economy
even further into the doldrums. The goal, with the help of Fox News, is to convince
unemployed idiots to vote for Republicans because Republicans made them, and
keep them, unemployed.
God bless America.
Given the unbelievably crappy hand dealt him Mr. Obama is doing a great job.
I would have preferred a public option, an immediate cessation to our Middle
East incursions and public stonings of Bush and Cheney but, while I'm at it,