America had the same, sane gun-ownership laws as the rest of the civilized
• You could walk down the street safe from the fear of a drive-by
• You could go for a drive knowing the odds of being car-jacked
was almost infinitely minute.
• Your child could enter school with dignity instead of treated
as a criminal while being scanned by metal detectors.
• You could work better knowing that some kid, angry at his parents, isn't
entering your child's school locked-and-loaded with the greater part of his grandfather's
gun collection.
• Your child wouldn't be among the 3000 that die each year via handguns
due to accident, homicide or suicide.
• The only people owning guns would be part of a well-regulated militia.
Three things
to remember about guns:
• The bad guys always shoot first.
• You can outrun a club or a knife but you can never outrun a bullet.
• You're more likely to kill yourself or someone you know with a gun than
to kill an unknown assailant.
I'm just sayin'.